Privacy Policy

  • The data we keep in file relates primarily to clients, editors and journalists and to contacts working for a small number of trade organisations.
  • Our data is kept securely on our database. It is available only through our password protected systems operated by employees. It is not available anywhere else and is not conveyed to third parties.
  • The agency holds only limited amount of data on journalists, media and trade organisations. It is restricted to names, work e mail addresses and telephone numbers of those we contact on behalf of our clients.
  • We do not share their e mail addresses with clients or other third parties, without first obtaining the permission of the journalist or trade organisation representative to pass on the information.
  • We update this database when organisations inform us of changes to personnel and e mail addresses and when new publications are added to our database. We will also update this database when we are informed of changes by the media organisation or by the individual journalist.
  • In respect of client data, we hold only limited information, specifically e mail addresses of a small number of individuals representing clients who we are contracted to provide public relations services for.
  • We proactively review the limited data we hold to ensure it is current and we ensure we delete such data when it becomes out of date, including when requested by clients or media.
  • In respect of employee data, this is kept entirely confidential and is not shared with other employees or any third parties, other than providing information to meet our statutory requirements under the law.
  • This data privacy policy is available to view on our website and printed copies can be provided when requested